
Windward Foundation Helps Expand Programs at Fairfax County Memory Café

The Windward Foundation, a 501(c)3 headquartered in Herndon, VA, announced a gift to Memory Café 4U in Vienna, Virginia, to expand programs that include music and other interactive artsfor caregivers and their loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease.

“The Memory Café 4U is a very active community and we are pleased to provide them the opportunity to expand their programs that include music and arts,” said Michele Darwin, Executive Director of the Windward Foundation. “According to the AARP, over 15 million family members in the United Statesare traveling the heartbreaking journey of caring for a loved one with whom they struggle to communicate with. For many, music can be an important part of easing their suffering. Even more important is the opportunity for caregivers to gather with their loved ones and other caregivers for fun and laughter in an environment free of the stigma that often comes with Alzheimer’s disease.”

The concept of Memory Café was first introduced by a psychiatrist in the Netherlands in 1997 to provide a safe and comfortable space where caregivers and their loved ones with Alzheimer’s can gather for mutual support, socialization, games, and more. They continue to open in communities across the company as a natural response to the growing numbers of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia.

“The Memory Café 4U is grateful tothe Windward Foundation for the gift toour Memory Café. Research has shown that music is one of the things that ‘reaches’ those with dementia and we can see the joy in the faces of our members when they hear choral and instrumental music,” said Carol Blackwell, Founder of Memory Café 4U in Vienna.

About Windward Foundation

Founded in 2016, the Windward Foundation Fund (D.B.A. Windward Foundation) provides funding to help ease the burden of caregiving for individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease through operational funding to expand programs, community awareness, and volunteer support in the National Capital Region. The Foundation is supported by donations, and funds raised through the District Music Benefit, an annual fundraiser. For more information visit

About Memory Café 4U

Memory Café 4U in a very active community that meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church in Vienna, Virginia. For more information about Memory Café 4U, or other Memory Café’s in the Northern Virginia area, email Carol Blackwell at

About the District Music Benefit

The District Music Benefit is a live concert featuring three musical acts and is the annual fundraiser for the Windward Foundation. The 2018 event will be held on Friday, September 21, 2018 at The Hamilton in Washington, D.C. Funds raised at the 2017 District Music Benefit enabled the Windward Foundation to grant the Alzheimer’s Association National Capital Area Chapter $25,000 to extend its support for care consultation services and caregiver information, education and support delivered throughout the Chapter territory. For more information, or sponsorship opportunities for the 2018 District Music Benefit

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