
Windward Launches Organizational Change Management Practice

The Situation

IT is the digital heartbeat of every modern organization. Our strength lies in our ability to solve problems with technology. As an IT community, our ability to inspire people to adopt technology changes has been sub-par, as the Standish Group’s research reveals over 70% of projects fail. The reason why is because we’ve largely underestimated the power of one key variable in the equation; people.

Every digital transformation project will change the way people work and changing the way people work requires a collaborative agreement that simply doesn’t exist in many organizations today. These collaborative agreements are typically created by skillful change managers who cross department lines to create win-win-wins.

Windward’s Organizational Change Management Practice is Here to Help

Windward is proud to announce the launch of our new Organizational Change Management practice to serve all of our clients. We understand the vast amount of pressure for value realization that IT teams are facing, and we are committed to being part of the solution.

“The rate of change within organizations will increase rapidly from 2020-2025. Windward’s success is a result of understanding people and the role they play in digital transformation. Launching an Organizational Change Management practice is a natural evolution of our success. I am excited to play an even larger role in digital transformation as AIOps moves from an idea to reality.”

~Sean McDermott, President and CEO of Windward Consulting Group

Here’s how we deliver on the call for success.

We have skilled change managers who have worked at scale, under pressure, and from the C-suite to the field offices, to the Zoom rooms, to data center raised floor and all points in between. When careers, livelihoods and whole businesses have been on the line, we’ve come through. Repeatedly.

We will help you lay the groundwork for success before the project ever kicks off. We’ll watch over the people side of change that other teams would miss. We’ll work side by side with your teams during the delivery and we’ll work with users on the other side of go-live to maximize adoption, so you realize the ROI that launched the project in the first place.

We have three offerings:

  • Project/Program Startup
  • Project/Program Midpoint Join
  • Practice Startup

Project/Program Startup

Project/Program Startup engages leaders and teams to set the projects up for success from the beginning, foster the right conversations and decisions through delivery, and support business communities on the other side of go-live to ensure adoption.

Project/Program Midpoint Join

Project/Program Midpoint Join comes in two flavors. Maybe the project got off to a good start but now things are off course. We bring the management consulting expertise along with the organizational change management discipline to help right the ship. Maybe the project is underway, but the full implications for the organization were not fully foreseen and you need some ringers to help cover fresh ground and speed the project’s success.

Practice Startup

Practice Startup is where we work with your teams after they have completed training, we take them through the process, mentor them along the way, help them establish a self-sustaining practice and come back periodically for ongoing review, fine-tuning, and occasional support.

At Windward, we deliver on the people side of change. Click here to learn more about our overall strategy.

Doug Reece

Want to meet with Windward’s A-Team?

Please click here to set a call with Doug Reece

Doug Reece | Client Executive

WINDWARD CONSULTING |Strategic thinking. Real-world results.™

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